Intro to Teachers and Administrators
Evolve Kids
3m 26s
Hello all! I am so excited to share this practice that I teach. Now that it is being mandated by schools to give our students 3-5 minutes per day to mindfulness, this is a perfect opportunity to try these meditations in your classrooms. You will feel an energy shift in your classrooms as well as the start to a new and peaceful environment! Thank you.
You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exercises and meditations offered through this platform. If you have any chronic or recurring physical condition, and or if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or elderly you should consult your doctor before performing any of the exercises. This is never medical advice.
For educational and informational purposes only. As with all exercise and meditation programs, when using any exercise videos, you need to be careful and use common sense. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Evolve by Erika @Inkale.Exkale will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website or social media accounts. This includes emails, videos, photos, graphic representations, and/or text. Thanks for your understanding.
Up Next in Evolve Kids
Evolve Kids Introduction
Calmness Combo
This meditation helps bring calmness to our body and mind. Get comfortable in your favorite chair and let's begin!
You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exercises and meditations offered through this platform. If you have any chronic or ...
Left Nostril Breathing to Calm the Body
This meditation is exactly what it sounds like. Everyone wants to calm the body to feel connected within themselves. Let's begin with using our left nostril as it tells our brain to calm the body.
You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exe...